Dec 11, 2009

Voule Vou-The Flirts.... Anyways, love...

Today, I felt like that hole in my heart and stomach was healed, but when he looked at HER, all nice and pretty, it made me feel miserable and betrayed.
She's supposed to be my friend, she knows I like him, I LOVE him, but why did she have to dress, so hore-like?
She probably did it for:
1.- Get her crush to like her
2.- Show off her boobs and slim figure.
3.- Because she's a hore at heart!
4.- She likes the clothes, even though she told me and a friend she NEVER wore clothes like that.

Anyways, I'm worried he'll like her after this, I mean, when she talked to him, he looked her up and down!
I feel like crying, but big girls don't cry, I can't feel like this, I just can't, I have to control my feelings better, if I make a scene right there, it would all be over...
I thought he liked me...the way he caressly touched my shoulder, the way he pushed me away soo softly (b/c he was trying to get through!), the way he looked at me, the way he talked to me...I could type it all here, but the point is I thought he liked me...
Well, thanks friend...thanks for nothing...

Dec 4, 2009

2012 movie drama

I watched 2012 and I say that it sucks and it left me very very dissapointed.
People keep telling me, it was awesome! and I'm so scared that it WILL happen and that's a stupid movie.
Anyways, I have to say, since they spent $200 million USD, the special effects were awesome and they rocked! But the movie plot was horrifying!
1.Why did so many people die? I hate it when movies do that, I mean, those were name-less people who suffered, but the main characters (and other name-less people) survived.
2.The movie is giving everyone a reason to panic, and people are now doing stupid stuff, like suicide, spending tons of money, doing things they wouldn't, etc.
3.What about other countries?
4.Everyone took the Mayan calendar as a prophecy, and it isn't! The prophecy-makers are the people who started this stuff!
And so, for thy grand finale, it was much too dramatic, I mean, how can all of that happen in a day?

End of The World Posts.

Anyways, this 2012 movie has brought EVEN MORE panic about the end of the world in december 21, 2012.
I'm sick and tired of hearing and seeing this, so I'm here to tell you people what experts think.
I'm going to post:
*2012 movie drama.
*2012 ISN'T our final year
*People, chillax! aware!

Dec 1, 2009

What do you do to get a guy to like you?

I like him, really do, but he doesn't give a damn about me.
We're god pals and everything, but still, *sighs*
So, what do you do to get a guy to like you? IDK!
So now I'm going to try to get him to like me!
Fun in thy sun!