Dec 4, 2009

2012 movie drama

I watched 2012 and I say that it sucks and it left me very very dissapointed.
People keep telling me, it was awesome! and I'm so scared that it WILL happen and that's a stupid movie.
Anyways, I have to say, since they spent $200 million USD, the special effects were awesome and they rocked! But the movie plot was horrifying!
1.Why did so many people die? I hate it when movies do that, I mean, those were name-less people who suffered, but the main characters (and other name-less people) survived.
2.The movie is giving everyone a reason to panic, and people are now doing stupid stuff, like suicide, spending tons of money, doing things they wouldn't, etc.
3.What about other countries?
4.Everyone took the Mayan calendar as a prophecy, and it isn't! The prophecy-makers are the people who started this stuff!
And so, for thy grand finale, it was much too dramatic, I mean, how can all of that happen in a day?

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